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Showing posts from January, 2012

Send your emails password protected

Now-a-days all are using E-mail for sending the data(such as some files, photos and etc). Sometimes we send private and important mails(such as bank account no's, ATM pin numbers etc), then their is a chance for the hackers to hack your mails. Here is a Free Online E-mail Encryption service LOCKBIN  Lock Bin will protect your mails with SSL and AES-256. SSL-Secure Sockets Layer AES-Advanced Encryption Standard No registration is required to use Lockbin. Your message and file attachments are protected by strong AES-256 bit encryption and your secret password. You invent the password and deliver it to the recipient using a phone, text message, instant message, homing pigeon, but not email. If the recipient clicks the Delete button after viewing the message, it is immediately destroyed. If not manually deleted, then a retrieved message (still encrypted on our server) is automatically deleted within 24 hours. This short delay gives the recipient time to download large ...

Virus that shutdown your operating system

Simple C program coding , which makes your operating system to shutdown. Write the below given code in Turbo C and save it with the extension .C Open Turbo C and implement the following code void main(void) { system("shutdown -s"); } Let the file name is saved with close.c and compile the program. Now close the turbo c compiler and open the directory in which you have saved the file. Default directory will be c:\tc\bin and double click on its exe file close.exe. Now your operating system will shut down automatically. If you want to fool your friend Then save the file with different names (eg: images.c, books.c etc) , and copy the program in a USB drive then give it to your friend. If he double clicks that file, automatically his system will shutdown